1: Player options
Option of transport
Spawner skin and select the skin
Spawner auto
The choice of the mission
Time setting
The choice of weapons
Customize the weather
And much more
Written 74629 lines of code. The trainer was very stable.
Num Lock must be enabled!
3: Control keys main menu:
F2 - show/hide menu.
numpad 5 right Shift - Selection;
numpad 0, Backspace - Back;
numpad 8, up arrow - Up;
numpad 2, down arrow - Down;
numpad 4, left arrow - Left;
numpad 6, right arrow to the Right.
4: Hotkeys:
atl Q - Airbreak;
Delete - Teleport to the mark;
Go through the door;
J - Get in the nearest car;
Is the instantaneous acceleration;
Instant stop.
5: What's new?
Added language:
Spanish (translated iAbokai);
Added new items to the menu:
Select the color of the trainer (you can choose your color);
Hot key (on/off);
Capture position, if you passed out or been arrested;
Control of gravity;
6: Added items in the transport menu:
To sit in the nearest car (already has a hot key);
Instant acceleration (already has a hot key);
Instant stop (already has a hot key);
Ability to aim in the car (hold down the RMB);
The ideal management auto;
High jumps on bike;
7: Spawn peds
Appearance (clothes, hairstyle, tattoos);
Added new items in the transport menu:
Added the transport menu (available slot 480);
The ability to input the ID;
View ID while driving (at bottom of menu);
Added menu items teleport:
Go through the door;
Menu interior (teleport to the interior);
Added items in the weapons menu:
Auto-aim/Lock (PKM q/e);
Added weapons menu;
Turn off the replay of F1 and F3 (can be re-enabled in the config RZL-Trainer.ini);
And fix bugs....
Author: muhammad_herizal
Author`s site: www.libertycity.ru
Download Link: Click Here
Size: 9MB
File Name: RZL Trainer V2.0.1
Virus status: scanned by Avast security.