Sunday 5 April 2020

GTA San Andreas Space Mod For PC

Will a posture of force help with social phobia?

A few years ago there was a whole storm and even a war over the so-called “power pose” , which supposedly increases the level of hormones in the blood and allows you to feel stronger, more active, more aggressive, fearless, in the end. Fake it until you make it 1 , in a word.

This idea was actively discussed after a speech by social psychologist Amy Cuddy on Ted .

Amy Cuddy demonstrates a pose of strength, arguing that this changes the level of hormones in the body. Photo: Erik (HASH) Hersman, CCA 2.0 Generic

GTA San Andreas Space Mod For PC

Then there was a wave of criticism and skepticism: it turned out that in a study by Cuddy et al 2 something went wrong with the calculations, and it turns out that the conclusion cannot be counted if you are serious about science.

There was a stream of work by other authors who tried to repeat the results of Cuddy, but nothing came of it. Then Cuddy published a refutation with new evidence, in general, some fuss began, and this is already becoming not so interesting. But everyone already remembered the power pose, no matter whether it is confirmed or not.
GTA San Andreas Space Mod For PC

GTA San Andreas Space Mod For PC

GTA San Andreas Space Mod For PC

It's so cool: I came for an interview, ran into the toilet for a minute, there he stood in a pose of strength for a minute and a half - and oh, the hormone plays, you defeat all the candidates. 

But I am interested in the use of the power pose precisely in case of social phobia . It happened that clients mention, they say, "probably, you need to stand in a pose of strength to leave the fear gone . "

Of course, on the one hand, if something helps someone to cope with life's difficulties, well and good. On the other hand, I would like to understand whether this is a universal method, and whether it will help everyone with homophobia . In other words, is it worth recommending to its customers?

Therefore, I decided to delve into the research and found one interesting topic (Davis ML, 2017) 3 .
By the way, the author is testing the Cuddy hypothesis only in relation to homophobia. So the conclusion is: there is no effect. That you use this or that pose of force that you do not use does not give any advantages or an additional dose of testosterone.

But here's the curious thing. A little later, in his dissertation for academic degree 4 , the same author discovers that there is something that really looks like a worker. And this is not a pose of power, but the use of pronouns in speech!

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We against social anxiety

So, the researchers suggested that the use of pronouns (me, you, we, you ...) will somehow affect the well-being of the speaker.

At first they thought that singular pronouns of the first person (I, mine, me ...) would worsen the condition, increasing fear. Then they thought that the plural pronouns (we, ours, us ...) would improve their condition.

The reasons why they thought so, and in what way they examined the effect on the speaker, are described in great detail in the original article, I do not want to dwell on this.
Then they did a study and found out that ... ta dam!

The more frequent use of the singular pronouns “I, mine, mine” did not affect anything . So, "yak" and do not bother.

More frequent use of the plural pronouns “we, us, us, ours”, etc. very influenced! Those who spoke their text, addressing the audience in this way, experienced less fear during the speech. Because you felt some involvement in the community, in the sense that you are not alone, you have someone or something behind your back.

So, forget about the pose of power, it’s better to say, “We, our Royal Majesty, command” At least there will be some benefit.


he script allows you to take off on a rocket, see the boundaries of the game and something like pre-cosmic space.

Now in GTA San Andreas, you can fly outside the game (space), fly at huge speeds. First you need to select a place of landing with a marker on the map ...

To call a rocket: press the letter L and hold for 1 sec. During the flight, do not get out of the rocket! The rocket is gaining tremendous speed: about a million times more than the speed of the hydra.

Most observant users should notice some hidden & quot; stuff & quot; During the flight. At the highest point, your screen will float, glitch, but don’t panic - these are just & quot; limits & quot; games.

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File Name: GTA San Andreas Space Mod For PC

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