How many grams: determine if there is enough food on your plate
3 practical exercises to learn how to control food volumes
You will probably be surprised at what I’ll say now: it turns out that some people are completely unable to determine how much food they actually have (or need)! Moreover, these same people are likely to overeat . Each time, at each meal, and imagine how much such extra food they consume for all this time!
If you are reading this article, this is probably your case, and you also do not have clear criteria for how much to put on your plate. Therefore, today we will try to listen to our body and understand how much food he needs.
Be patient, because these exercises may not work out the first time. If for years there is more than necessary, it will take some time to learn how to do things differently.
On average, with daily training, you can see the results in about a week. For a couple more weeks you will have to constantly remind yourself of what you have now learned, and only then this skill will become automatic. But it may happen that you learn much faster, in just 1-2 days!
Exercise # 1: How Does My Stomach Feel?
The first, most important exercise is necessary for the success of all subsequent exercises. It’s like the foundation or the foundation for them, so don’t move on to the next exercises until you master it. You may need one day or two weeks - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you are persistent and do this exercise with each meal.
Get a notepad or note on your phone. There you will record the following information:

Exercise number 2: what does it mean to "eat"?
Without a clear understanding of what it is like to be already full or even hungry, weight loss can be a very difficult task. It’s great if you already know what it means to “eat up”. And if not, this exercise is just for you. Do not proceed to the next until you are comfortable. Repeat this at each meal, as well as at every snack for as many days as needed.
Part one. Think now, how do you understand that you are full? What are you targeting? Do you feel heaviness in your stomach or discomfort from bursting? You eat everything that they put to you - and that means that you are full? If you are at a loss with an answer, then observe yourself for a day or two. Write down what you find.
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Part two. In fact, to eat too much does not mean "eat everything" or "eat until you roll out of the table." Imagine that you need to walk at an average pace a couple of hundred meters. What is your stomach feeling? It should not be hard for you to walk, and you should not barely move your legs. You go at a normal, medium pace, maybe even light. That's exactly the same feeling that accompanies the border "ate." When after eating you feel heavy, uncomfortable, and all you want is to fall on the sofa and lie down for two hours, this means that you have eaten, and a lot. This is not " full" . This is " overeating.
Part three. For as many days as you need, follow your feelings after eating. How often do you crawl out from the table with a heaviness in your stomach? Can you walk a couple of hundred meters at an average pace in this state? Why do you continue to eat even when you are already full? Can you stop until the border "ate-overeaten" is not passed yet?
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