This page of the guide to Grand Theft Auto V has a walkthrough for mission 18 - Nervous Ron. Our GTA 5 guide explains how to purchase and upgrade a sniper rifle for Trevor, how to eliminate all enemies at the airport, where to drop the cargo transported with the stolen plane, and how to land without crashing.

Mission 18 - Nervous Ron general information
Mission 18 - Nervous Ron full walkthrough
Rewards and challenges in mission 18 - Nervous Ron
Mission 18 - Nervous Ron general information
Way to unlock: You need to complete Main mission 17 (Mr. Philips). After some time, next to Trevor's trailer, there will appear a marker that informs you of the possibility to start a new mission (letter T on the world map).
Playable characters: Trevor
Additional information: This is another very exciting mission and, as much as at the beginning you will have to try to eliminate the enemies without raising the alarm, sooner or later things will get increasingly complicated and you will take part in a major fight at the airport, this time. The final part of this mission is a quite complex tutorial that covers the topic of pilotage, and more precisely the using of one of the basic models of aircraft.
Mission 18 - Nervous Ron full walkthrough
Park in front of the store, enter and talk to the salesman. You need to take the sniper rifle, which you got for free, and upgrade it with a Suppressor., as well as the Advanced Scope. After you collect the upgraded weapon, return to the ATV and reach the airport to the South-West of here. There, you need to climb the water tower.

The next step is destroying the two lamps marked in the above screenshot, and you need to do that before the incoming car comes within short distance of the person you have just shot. Start targeting the van and, follow Ron's instruction of not shooting until there will be an enemy getting out of it.
How To install
Download Link: Click Here
Password: GTAModMafia.CoM
Size: 31MB
File Name: Nervous Ron (GTAModMafiaCoM)