GTA 5 Parkour Mod For GTA San Andreas

GTA 5 Parkour Mod For GTA San Andreas Free Download
Big Smoke has been waiting at your house with a gun in his hand. At first he wants to kill you, but then he recognizes you and takes you to a cemetery, where your mother is interred. Once there you’ll find also the rest of your friends and family, or what remains of them. You’ll go for a short ride around the city with Ryder, who’s your friend. You’ll meet Old Reece barber, who knew your mother. You’ll also try to break into a shop, but you’ll soon discover that you should earn bigger money by another way.

You’ll meet your brother Sweet on the second day, and head over to the enemy’s area belonging to the Ballas gang. Re-spray few notices, kill some gangsters and – last but not least – smash the seat of a drug baron. At the end you’ll help your brother in a gun battle, but that’s normal in family.

You are now in a garage, where a special car with hydraulics is waiting for you. You’ll take part in a really cool contest. You’ll win it by jumping your car according to music. As soon as you win the bet, you’ll meet with friend Caesar. He’ll let you in on some of the problems of Los Santos and you’ll show him that you’re still a good driver, because you’ll win a smaller illegal race.

When you are home, you call Ryder, who wants you to rob an army base with him. But first, rob the villa of a soldier, where you can find lots of ammo and other. Then assail a train with some other stuff, and at the end, visit the base in question. Everything is ready, but for what? Nobody knows, except for Ryder.

The last friend you didn’t do anything for is Big Smoke. He’ll ask you to go and get Jeffry out of prison. He is mad at a guy, who squealed on him. So go and take him down. Although it was an exhausting day, Smoke won’t let you relax and give you another guest. You should go to “visit” a drug boss, but he’ll unfortunately run you away. So you must chase him and … well you know, what to do. The last guest is quite easy, take down a bunch of guys on a train and kill a few mafiosi in a hotel. That’s the end of the busy day.

Now, Jeffry will ask you for your assistance with someone, who has begun to call himself OG Loc because he wants to be a rap star. Crazy. At the moment, he works as a cleaner in a fast food restaurant, so I'm not sure how far he will rise up the fame ladder. However, he has no money and without it, he'll only be able to rap at home, in the bathroom! So, you'll visit a beach party, steal the hi-fi and speakers. as well as some cases, get rid of a rap competiton and steal a few well-known rap lyrics from Mad Dog. Jeffry, meanwhile, will start publicising himself. He doesn't need to clean out toilets now, but he does need help taking out some stinking trash. He'll invite you to a party where the Ballas gag will rush you. It seems that a war has started. Now we know what Ryder needed those weapons for.

GTA 5 Parkour Mod For GTA San Andreas

GTA 5 Parkour Mod For GTA San Andreas

GTA 5 Parkour Mod For GTA San Andreas

You'll receive other tasks from corrupt police officers you met at the beginning. You don't want to work for them, but your reluctance may mean a return to jail, and you really do not want to be there again. So you'll have to burn down gang headquarters, which causes problems, but there will be a little girl left behind. From now on she is your friend. Well, it is something at least. The second mission is a little bit more demanding, but nothing that you can't do. You'll shoot down a few Ballas's and mafia members, as you have done before.

A gang war is in full swing, and Sweet wants to return some lead at high speed to those guys who attacked your party. You'll make a small attack, but you'll hit the main stronghold of the Ballas gang - Glen Park. But you need to weaken them. It's best to eliminate the leader or someone high up in the gang. You will learn that one such member will be in the cemetery. Therefore, you and the brother with a couple of guys, will go to kill him.

How To install

It seems that the war is over and the city is now peaceful. You'll go to the hotel to celebrate, but the party is going to be interrupted by a couple of SWAT squads. You'll escape the police. That was close. Sweet thinks that you have been left in a very bad way by Ballas's, therefore, he wants to shoot down a few of them in retaliation. Caesar will call you now, and you must come immediately. You will see how Ryder, Smoke, corrupt policeman Tempenny and Ballas's are cooperating. You will notice that the brother is in danger: you're going to help him. He gets shot and you will be caught by the police. Tempenny will take you to the countryside, where he wants from you to do a few tasks.

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Password: GTAModMafia.CoM
Size: 9MB 
File Name: GTA 5 Parkour Mod GTA San (GTAModMafiaCoM)

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