Recently, rumours surfaced suggesting that Rockstar would be bringing back three of its hottest games, GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas. The remasters would line up with the 20th anniversary of grand larceny Auto 3. The leak originated on the GTA forums, posts by documented forum users teased the games with cryptic messages.

One user, Mach1bud started the rumours by posting the word “soon” on a random thread. a touch while later another user named WildBrick142 hinted that Mach1bud’s comment was posted within the wrong thread, Mach responded saying it had been intentional. Claiming that putting the tease within the right thread would have “been too obvious.” The thread in question was tagged with “GTA III”, “GTA VC”, and “GTA SA”.

A few other messages were posted as what seamed sort of a tease for old games being remade on a replacement engine, this seemed a touch too good to be true as Rockstar have confirmed numerous times over the years that they need no intentions of remaking old games.
With nothing being confirmed by Rockstar this all relies on the truthfulness of the alleged leakers, and now another leaker has come to the fore to share information they need about the rumours of upcoming remasters.
The new leaker took part in an AMA and shared some details and predictions that they claim to be “on-the-money” about GTA VI. Reddit user meetsejpal shared parts of the now deleted AMA which mentioned a release date of 2023 for GTA VI, and also teased an upcoming anniversary edition of GTA San Andreas.
Of course, these are just rumours and while we all hope they end up to be true, its not worth getting too excited until Rockstar announce anything officially. We won’t have long to attend if they're true as GTA Forum users say a trailer for the upcoming remaster trilogy are going to be releasing soon.
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